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Company Registration in Anguilla
Company Registration in Bahamas

    Corporate Requirements
  • One of more shareholder;
  • Bearer shares are not allowed;
  • One or more director (corporate director permitted);
  • Registered office and agent in Bahamas;
  • Annual returns and audited accounts are not required

    Required Information
  • Name of Company
  • Subjected to a tax rate of 15%;
  • A series of tax credits available for reducing effective tax rate;
  • May take advantage of the extensive and growing range of government international treaties

    Amendments to Bahamas International Business Companies (IBC) Law in 2001
  • Details of directors and senior officers have to be registered and disclosed for public enquiry;
  • Annual government fee for companies with less than USD 50,000 of share capital:USD 350;
  • Annual government fee for companies with more than USD 50,000 of share capital: USD 1,000

  • 60% of the total fees as deposit, and the remaining payment should be settled upon issue of company registration certificate.

    Company Kit(acquired after registration)
  • Bahamas company registration certificate;
  • Memorandum and Articles of Association (M & A);
  • Share certificates;
  • Statutory minutes;
  • Common seal and company chop

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SML Accounting and Tax Consultants Co., Ltd.
Address: 5/F., Greatmany Centre, 111 Queen's Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 3113-6066                 Fax: (852) 2520-0121                QQ: 2562408268
Contact:   Ms Cheung (Company Registration in Hong Kong)    Ms Chan (Offshore Companies Registration)